EnergySmart Home Scale

The EnergySmart Home Scale (E-Scale) is provided to homes that meet the Builders Challenge program requirements. The E-Scale visually shows the energy performance of the labeled home. Homes need to score a 70 or less on the E-Scale to qualify for the Builders Challenge. The E-Scale ends at zero, which equates to the Builders Challenge goal to provide a “net zero energy home (NZEH) anywhere in the United States - a grid-connected home that, over the course of a year, produces as much energy as it uses”

EnergySmart Home Scale

The EnergySmart Home Scale (E-Scale) is provided to homes that meet the Builders Challenge program requirements. The E-Scale visually shows the energy performance of the labeled home. Homes need to score a 70 or less on the E-Scale to qualify for the Builders Challenge. The E-Scale ends at zero, which equates to the Builders Challenge goal to provide a “net zero energy home (NZEH) anywhere in the United States - a grid-connected home that, over the course of a year, produces as much energy as it uses”