Era of Stagnation

The Era of Stagnation (Russian: Период застоя, Stagnation Period, also called the Brezhnevian Stagnation) was a period of negative economic, political, and social effects in the Soviet Union, dubbed by a generic term "stagnation", which began during the rule of Leonid Brezhnev (1964–1982) and continued under Yuri Andropov (1982–1984) and Konstantin Chernenko (1984–1985). The stagnation was the result of failed central planning. When efforts to accelerate development through massive injections into heavy industry (Uskoreniye) failed, the Communist Party under Mikhail Gorbachev restructured (perestroika) the Soviet economy and government by introducing quasi-capitalist (Khozraschyot) and democratic (demokratizatsiya) reforms, which re-energized the Soviet Union but also inadvertently led to

Era of Stagnation

The Era of Stagnation (Russian: Период застоя, Stagnation Period, also called the Brezhnevian Stagnation) was a period of negative economic, political, and social effects in the Soviet Union, dubbed by a generic term "stagnation", which began during the rule of Leonid Brezhnev (1964–1982) and continued under Yuri Andropov (1982–1984) and Konstantin Chernenko (1984–1985). The stagnation was the result of failed central planning. When efforts to accelerate development through massive injections into heavy industry (Uskoreniye) failed, the Communist Party under Mikhail Gorbachev restructured (perestroika) the Soviet economy and government by introducing quasi-capitalist (Khozraschyot) and democratic (demokratizatsiya) reforms, which re-energized the Soviet Union but also inadvertently led to