Eskimo yo-yo

Eskimo yo-yo or Alaska yo-yo (also known as Alaskan yo-yo, Alaska Eskimo yo-yo, Alaskan Eskimo yo-yo, Alaskan Inuit Eskimo yo-yo, Alaska Native yo-yo, Inuit yo-yo, Inupiat yo-yo, Yup'ik yo-yo, Yupik yo-yo or Eskimo bolo, Mountain bolo) is a traditional two-balled bolas-like fur-covered two padded poi type yo-yo skill toy played by the Eskimo-speaking Alaska Natives, such as Inupiat, Siberian Yupik, and Yup'ik. The Eskimo yo-yo is regarded as one of the most simple, yet most complex, cultural artifact/toy in the world. The Eskimo yo-yo is a toy popular with Alaskans and tourists alike that involves rotating two sealskin balls suspended on caribou sinew strings in opposite directions. This traditional toy is two unequal lengths of twine, joined together, with hand-made leather objects (balls

Eskimo yo-yo

Eskimo yo-yo or Alaska yo-yo (also known as Alaskan yo-yo, Alaska Eskimo yo-yo, Alaskan Eskimo yo-yo, Alaskan Inuit Eskimo yo-yo, Alaska Native yo-yo, Inuit yo-yo, Inupiat yo-yo, Yup'ik yo-yo, Yupik yo-yo or Eskimo bolo, Mountain bolo) is a traditional two-balled bolas-like fur-covered two padded poi type yo-yo skill toy played by the Eskimo-speaking Alaska Natives, such as Inupiat, Siberian Yupik, and Yup'ik. The Eskimo yo-yo is regarded as one of the most simple, yet most complex, cultural artifact/toy in the world. The Eskimo yo-yo is a toy popular with Alaskans and tourists alike that involves rotating two sealskin balls suspended on caribou sinew strings in opposite directions. This traditional toy is two unequal lengths of twine, joined together, with hand-made leather objects (balls