European AIS Database

The European AIS Database (abbreviated EAD) is a reference database of aeronautical information, which was developed by EUROCONTROL member states. The database also includes an Aeronautical Information Services system, which is open to both European Civil Aviation Conference member states and all airspace users. AIS units as data providers maintain the aeronautical information under their responsibility whereas airspace users, acting as data users, retrieve, consult, and download such information.

European AIS Database

The European AIS Database (abbreviated EAD) is a reference database of aeronautical information, which was developed by EUROCONTROL member states. The database also includes an Aeronautical Information Services system, which is open to both European Civil Aviation Conference member states and all airspace users. AIS units as data providers maintain the aeronautical information under their responsibility whereas airspace users, acting as data users, retrieve, consult, and download such information.