
Europestar (Chinese: 欧洲明星, pinyin: ōuzhōu míngxīng) is a Chinese car brand of the English Lotus Group plc. They brand named is used from a joint-venture with the Chinese Jinhua Youngman Vehicle Co., Ltd. Sometimes the brand is called Qingnian Kuaile(Chinese: 青年快乐(莲花), pinyin: qīngnián (liánhuā), English: Youngman (Lotus). The vehicles are manufactured in the prefecture-level city of Jinhua. The brand name is only applied on the export models. The Chinese homeland units are sold as Lotus Cars (Chinese: 莲花汽车, pinyin: liánhuā qìchē). The British sports cars of the mark are imported by the company and retain its UK original logo. In addition, the sport models are marketed under the differentiated heading of Lotus Sports Cars (Chinese: 莲花跑车, pinyin: liánhuā pǎochē).


Europestar (Chinese: 欧洲明星, pinyin: ōuzhōu míngxīng) is a Chinese car brand of the English Lotus Group plc. They brand named is used from a joint-venture with the Chinese Jinhua Youngman Vehicle Co., Ltd. Sometimes the brand is called Qingnian Kuaile(Chinese: 青年快乐(莲花), pinyin: qīngnián (liánhuā), English: Youngman (Lotus). The vehicles are manufactured in the prefecture-level city of Jinhua. The brand name is only applied on the export models. The Chinese homeland units are sold as Lotus Cars (Chinese: 莲花汽车, pinyin: liánhuā qìchē). The British sports cars of the mark are imported by the company and retain its UK original logo. In addition, the sport models are marketed under the differentiated heading of Lotus Sports Cars (Chinese: 莲花跑车, pinyin: liánhuā pǎochē).