Evil Clutch

Evil Clutch (also known as Il Bosco 1) is a 1988 Italian horror film written and directed by Andrea Marfori and distributed by Troma Entertainment. An American college student joins her Italian boyfriend for a romantic weekend trip. Along the way, they pick up a voluptuous female hitchhiker who turns out to be a maniacal demon with a ferocious deadly claw-like hand. Tagline: The nightmare that grabs you where you least expect it!

Evil Clutch

Evil Clutch (also known as Il Bosco 1) is a 1988 Italian horror film written and directed by Andrea Marfori and distributed by Troma Entertainment. An American college student joins her Italian boyfriend for a romantic weekend trip. Along the way, they pick up a voluptuous female hitchhiker who turns out to be a maniacal demon with a ferocious deadly claw-like hand. Tagline: The nightmare that grabs you where you least expect it!