Evil Laugh

Evil Laugh is an 1986 American comedy horror film directed and starring Dominick Brascia, and co-starring Myles O'Brien, Jerold Pearson, and Kim McKamy. While the plot focuses on a group of medical students attacked by a masked killer while repairing a building over the weekend, the film touched on a tongue-in-cheek approach, with avid Fangoria reader Barney providing the voice of reason.

Evil Laugh

Evil Laugh is an 1986 American comedy horror film directed and starring Dominick Brascia, and co-starring Myles O'Brien, Jerold Pearson, and Kim McKamy. While the plot focuses on a group of medical students attacked by a masked killer while repairing a building over the weekend, the film touched on a tongue-in-cheek approach, with avid Fangoria reader Barney providing the voice of reason.