Factory leader

Factory leader (German: Betriebsführer) was the term introduced by Labour organization law of 20 January 1934 for the owner, entrepreneur or manager of a business or company. Factory leaders and their “followers” (Gefolgschaft) formed the “factory community” (Betriebsgemeinschaft), replicating the national community (Volksgemeinschaft) in accordance with the leader principle (Führerprinzip). The term was also applied to owners and tenants of farms.

Factory leader

Factory leader (German: Betriebsführer) was the term introduced by Labour organization law of 20 January 1934 for the owner, entrepreneur or manager of a business or company. Factory leaders and their “followers” (Gefolgschaft) formed the “factory community” (Betriebsgemeinschaft), replicating the national community (Volksgemeinschaft) in accordance with the leader principle (Führerprinzip). The term was also applied to owners and tenants of farms.