Family First Party

The Family First Party is an economically and socially conservative political party in Australia. Although the party publicly denies that it is a Christian party (and has claimed that it is a secular party), Family First has links to conservative Christian religious groups, such as the Evangelical and Pentecostal Australian Christian Churches (also known as the Assemblies of God in Australia), and many of its election candidates and members of parliament have had conservative Christian backgrounds. It has two members in the South Australian Legislative Council (Robert Brokenshire and Dennis Hood), plus one member of the federal Senate, Bob Day.

Family First Party

The Family First Party is an economically and socially conservative political party in Australia. Although the party publicly denies that it is a Christian party (and has claimed that it is a secular party), Family First has links to conservative Christian religious groups, such as the Evangelical and Pentecostal Australian Christian Churches (also known as the Assemblies of God in Australia), and many of its election candidates and members of parliament have had conservative Christian backgrounds. It has two members in the South Australian Legislative Council (Robert Brokenshire and Dennis Hood), plus one member of the federal Senate, Bob Day.