Fanfare band

Fanfare Bands, Fanfare Corps, Fanfare Battery, Horn and Drum Corps, Bugle Bands or Trumpet and Drum Bands (the German Fanfarenzug, Fanfarenkorps and Regimentsblasercorps, the Dutch Tamboerkorps, Trompetterkorps and Jachthoornkorps and the French Batterie-Fanfares and Fanfares d'cavallerie) are military or civilian musical ensembles composed of percussion instruments, bugles, natural horns and natural trumpets (and sometimes even brass instruments) which still exist in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. Fanfare bands are the descendants of the old medieval trumpet and drum teams that sounded fanfares on important occasions and are related to drum and bugle corps internationally.

Fanfare band

Fanfare Bands, Fanfare Corps, Fanfare Battery, Horn and Drum Corps, Bugle Bands or Trumpet and Drum Bands (the German Fanfarenzug, Fanfarenkorps and Regimentsblasercorps, the Dutch Tamboerkorps, Trompetterkorps and Jachthoornkorps and the French Batterie-Fanfares and Fanfares d'cavallerie) are military or civilian musical ensembles composed of percussion instruments, bugles, natural horns and natural trumpets (and sometimes even brass instruments) which still exist in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. Fanfare bands are the descendants of the old medieval trumpet and drum teams that sounded fanfares on important occasions and are related to drum and bugle corps internationally.