Far Eastern Liaison Office

The Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO) was a Second World War Propaganda and Field Intelligence unit set up under the orders of the Allied Land Commander, General Sir Thomas Blamey, on 19 June 1942. FELO became one of four sections of the Allied Intelligence Bureau (AIB) which was established on 6 July 1942 to control and co-ordinate the activities of various intelligence organisations that had been set up after the outbreak of war with Japan. Specifically the objects of the activities of the FELO were: FELO was commanded by CDR J.C.R. Proud RANVR. FELO Field Propaganda Unit Operations

Far Eastern Liaison Office

The Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO) was a Second World War Propaganda and Field Intelligence unit set up under the orders of the Allied Land Commander, General Sir Thomas Blamey, on 19 June 1942. FELO became one of four sections of the Allied Intelligence Bureau (AIB) which was established on 6 July 1942 to control and co-ordinate the activities of various intelligence organisations that had been set up after the outbreak of war with Japan. Specifically the objects of the activities of the FELO were: FELO was commanded by CDR J.C.R. Proud RANVR. FELO Field Propaganda Unit Operations