Father Ernetti's Chronovisor

Father Ernetti's Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time Machine (original title in German: Dein Schicksal ist vorherbestimmt: Pater Ernettis Zeitmaschine und das Geheimnis der Akasha-Chronik) by Peter Krassa is a 1997 book about Pellegrino Ernetti, a Benedictine monk who claimed to have developed a time machine, the "Chronovisor". Father Marcello Pellegrino Maria Ernetti stated that he watched Christ dying on the cross, and attended a performance of a previously unknown play by the Roman playwright Quintus Ennius. It includes an appendix with the Latin text of the Ernetti Thyestes fragment, reputed to be an excerpt from a lost play by Quintus Ennius. The book was translated from the German by Miguel Jones, and published by New Paradigm Books in 2000. Although

Father Ernetti's Chronovisor

Father Ernetti's Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time Machine (original title in German: Dein Schicksal ist vorherbestimmt: Pater Ernettis Zeitmaschine und das Geheimnis der Akasha-Chronik) by Peter Krassa is a 1997 book about Pellegrino Ernetti, a Benedictine monk who claimed to have developed a time machine, the "Chronovisor". Father Marcello Pellegrino Maria Ernetti stated that he watched Christ dying on the cross, and attended a performance of a previously unknown play by the Roman playwright Quintus Ennius. It includes an appendix with the Latin text of the Ernetti Thyestes fragment, reputed to be an excerpt from a lost play by Quintus Ennius. The book was translated from the German by Miguel Jones, and published by New Paradigm Books in 2000. Although