Femme Fatales (magazine)

Femme Fatales is an American men's magazine focusing on film and television actresses. Femme Fatales was founded by Frederick S. Clarke in the summer of 1992, as the sister publication of his science fiction film magazine Cinefantastique. Published by Clarke, it was originally edited by pin-up photography collector and expert Bill George. Cinefantanstique contributor Dan Cziraky joined the staff as Associate Editor several months prior to its launch. It focused on science-fiction, fantasy, and horror actresses, from B-movies to Academy Award winners, featuring provocative non-nude photography pictorials, alongside extensive career interviews. It was unique in that it encouraged contributions from the actresses themselves, and featured articles penned by "scream queens" Brinke Stevens ,Tina

Femme Fatales (magazine)

Femme Fatales is an American men's magazine focusing on film and television actresses. Femme Fatales was founded by Frederick S. Clarke in the summer of 1992, as the sister publication of his science fiction film magazine Cinefantastique. Published by Clarke, it was originally edited by pin-up photography collector and expert Bill George. Cinefantanstique contributor Dan Cziraky joined the staff as Associate Editor several months prior to its launch. It focused on science-fiction, fantasy, and horror actresses, from B-movies to Academy Award winners, featuring provocative non-nude photography pictorials, alongside extensive career interviews. It was unique in that it encouraged contributions from the actresses themselves, and featured articles penned by "scream queens" Brinke Stevens ,Tina