First Iraqi–Kurdish War

The First Kurdish–Iraqi War or Barazani Rebellion was a major event of the Iraqi-Kurdish conflict, lasting from 1961 until 1970. The struggle was led by Mustafa Barzani, in an attempt to establish an independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq. Throughout the 1960s, the uprising escalated into a long war, which failed to resolve despite internal power changes in Iraq. During the war, 80% of the Iraqi army was engaged in combat with the Kurds. The war ended with a stalemate in 1970, resulting in between 75,000 to 105,000 casualties. A series of Kurdish-Iraqi negotiations followed the war in an attempt to resolve the conflict. The negotiations led to the Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement of 1970.

First Iraqi–Kurdish War

The First Kurdish–Iraqi War or Barazani Rebellion was a major event of the Iraqi-Kurdish conflict, lasting from 1961 until 1970. The struggle was led by Mustafa Barzani, in an attempt to establish an independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq. Throughout the 1960s, the uprising escalated into a long war, which failed to resolve despite internal power changes in Iraq. During the war, 80% of the Iraqi army was engaged in combat with the Kurds. The war ended with a stalemate in 1970, resulting in between 75,000 to 105,000 casualties. A series of Kurdish-Iraqi negotiations followed the war in an attempt to resolve the conflict. The negotiations led to the Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement of 1970.