Flammability limit

Mixtures of dispersed combustible materials (such as gaseous or vaporised fuels, and some dusts) and air will burn only if the fuel concentration lies within well-defined lower and upper bounds determined experimentally, referred to as flammability limits or explosive limits. Combustion can range in violence from deflagration, through detonation, to explosion. The standard reference work is that by Zabetakis using an apparatus developed by the United States Bureau of Mines.

Flammability limit

Mixtures of dispersed combustible materials (such as gaseous or vaporised fuels, and some dusts) and air will burn only if the fuel concentration lies within well-defined lower and upper bounds determined experimentally, referred to as flammability limits or explosive limits. Combustion can range in violence from deflagration, through detonation, to explosion. The standard reference work is that by Zabetakis using an apparatus developed by the United States Bureau of Mines.