Flexity Link

The Flexity Link is a low-floor tram-train manufactured by Bombardier Transportation. It is designed to be able to run both on an urban tram network and on main railway lines, in order to provide direct journeys into a city's centre without passengers having to transfer from a regional train to a tram. Flexity Link sets are currently used on the Saarbahn in and around Saarbrücken, Germany. Previously, they were used on the Karlsruhe Stadtbahn in Karlsruhe.

Flexity Link

The Flexity Link is a low-floor tram-train manufactured by Bombardier Transportation. It is designed to be able to run both on an urban tram network and on main railway lines, in order to provide direct journeys into a city's centre without passengers having to transfer from a regional train to a tram. Flexity Link sets are currently used on the Saarbahn in and around Saarbrücken, Germany. Previously, they were used on the Karlsruhe Stadtbahn in Karlsruhe.