
Flo is an American sitcom and a spin-off of Alice that aired on CBS from March 24, 1980 to July 21, 1981. The series starred Polly Holliday as the title character of sassy and street-smart waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry who returns to her hometown of Cowtown, Texas and becomes the proprietor of a rundown old roadhouse that she renames "Flo's Yellow Rose". Although the series was successfully in the Top 20 throughout its run, it was cancelled at the end of its second season.


Flo is an American sitcom and a spin-off of Alice that aired on CBS from March 24, 1980 to July 21, 1981. The series starred Polly Holliday as the title character of sassy and street-smart waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry who returns to her hometown of Cowtown, Texas and becomes the proprietor of a rundown old roadhouse that she renames "Flo's Yellow Rose". Although the series was successfully in the Top 20 throughout its run, it was cancelled at the end of its second season.