Foreign Legion Command

The Commandement de la Légion Étrangère (French: (C.O.M.)mandement de la (L.)égion (É.)trangère, C.O.M.L.E) or Foreign Legion Command is the headquarters of the French Foreign Legion. The Commandement de la Légion Étrangère has adopted various inspecting, grouping, and commanding designations since 1931 and has been designated as C.O.M.L.E since 1984. The Divisional General commanding the Legion, surnamed or other known as Father of the Legion (French: Le Père Légion) is a direct subordinate of the Chief of Staff of the French Army (C.E.M.A.T). The divisional général is the technical counselar commanding for the ensemble related to the Legion ( recruitment, traditions, employment, regimental formations and security).

Foreign Legion Command

The Commandement de la Légion Étrangère (French: (C.O.M.)mandement de la (L.)égion (É.)trangère, C.O.M.L.E) or Foreign Legion Command is the headquarters of the French Foreign Legion. The Commandement de la Légion Étrangère has adopted various inspecting, grouping, and commanding designations since 1931 and has been designated as C.O.M.L.E since 1984. The Divisional General commanding the Legion, surnamed or other known as Father of the Legion (French: Le Père Légion) is a direct subordinate of the Chief of Staff of the French Army (C.E.M.A.T). The divisional général is the technical counselar commanding for the ensemble related to the Legion ( recruitment, traditions, employment, regimental formations and security).