Forever (1921 film)

for the 1935 film of this story starring Gary Cooper see Peter Ibbetson Forever (1921) is a silent film, also known as Peter Ibbetson; written by Ouida Bergère, and directed by George Fitzmaurice. Adapted from 1891's George Du Maurier's novel, Peter Ibbetson, made into a play by John N. Raphael. Once an extant film, with the sole remaining copy held until the 1970s by Wallace Reid's widow Dorothy Davenport, who donated it for a proposed museum/archive, the film is lost.

Forever (1921 film)

for the 1935 film of this story starring Gary Cooper see Peter Ibbetson Forever (1921) is a silent film, also known as Peter Ibbetson; written by Ouida Bergère, and directed by George Fitzmaurice. Adapted from 1891's George Du Maurier's novel, Peter Ibbetson, made into a play by John N. Raphael. Once an extant film, with the sole remaining copy held until the 1970s by Wallace Reid's widow Dorothy Davenport, who donated it for a proposed museum/archive, the film is lost.