Four Star Playhouse

Four Star Playhouse is an American television anthology series that ran from 1952 to 1956. Its episodes ranged anywhere from surreal mysteries, such as "The Man on the Train," to light comedies, such as "The Lost Silk Hat." The original premise was that Charles Boyer, Ida Lupino, David Niven, and Dick Powell would take turns starring in episodes. However, several other performers took the lead from time to time, including Ronald Colman and Joan Fontaine.

Four Star Playhouse

Four Star Playhouse is an American television anthology series that ran from 1952 to 1956. Its episodes ranged anywhere from surreal mysteries, such as "The Man on the Train," to light comedies, such as "The Lost Silk Hat." The original premise was that Charles Boyer, Ida Lupino, David Niven, and Dick Powell would take turns starring in episodes. However, several other performers took the lead from time to time, including Ronald Colman and Joan Fontaine.