Fox Farm Site (McMullin, Virginia)

The Fox Farm Site encompasses the archaeological remains of a prehistoric Native American settlement near McMullin, Smyth County, Virginia. The site, located in the horsehoe bend of the middle fork of the Holston River, was occupied during the Late Woodland Period (c. 1300-1400). Finds at the site include marine beadwork, indicating trade with natives living along the Atlantic coast, as well as pottery remains diagnostic of several regional cultures. The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978.

Fox Farm Site (McMullin, Virginia)

The Fox Farm Site encompasses the archaeological remains of a prehistoric Native American settlement near McMullin, Smyth County, Virginia. The site, located in the horsehoe bend of the middle fork of the Holston River, was occupied during the Late Woodland Period (c. 1300-1400). Finds at the site include marine beadwork, indicating trade with natives living along the Atlantic coast, as well as pottery remains diagnostic of several regional cultures. The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978.