Fulwood Old Chapel

Fulwood Old Chapel is a Unitarian place of worship in the Fulwood district of western Sheffield, South Yorkshire. It is a member of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, the umbrella organisation for British Unitarians. In 1754, a school room was added; this was extended in 1968 to include a kitchen and toilets, and was again modernised in 2009. It is currently used for a Sunday school and social events. Other changes were made in 1959, when a small storm porch was added inside the main entrance.

Fulwood Old Chapel

Fulwood Old Chapel is a Unitarian place of worship in the Fulwood district of western Sheffield, South Yorkshire. It is a member of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, the umbrella organisation for British Unitarians. In 1754, a school room was added; this was extended in 1968 to include a kitchen and toilets, and was again modernised in 2009. It is currently used for a Sunday school and social events. Other changes were made in 1959, when a small storm porch was added inside the main entrance.