Funny Gay Males

Funny Gay Males was an American comedy troupe in the 1980s and 1990s, consisting of comedians Bob Smith, Danny McWilliams and Jaffe Cohen. First formed in 1988 after the performers appeared together on a comedy bill at New York City's Pride Week festivities, the troupe performed a touring comedy show which consisted primarily of each member performing his own solo stand-up comedy set, and also made television appearances on programs such as The Joan Rivers Show.

Funny Gay Males

Funny Gay Males was an American comedy troupe in the 1980s and 1990s, consisting of comedians Bob Smith, Danny McWilliams and Jaffe Cohen. First formed in 1988 after the performers appeared together on a comedy bill at New York City's Pride Week festivities, the troupe performed a touring comedy show which consisted primarily of each member performing his own solo stand-up comedy set, and also made television appearances on programs such as The Joan Rivers Show.