
"Furt" is the eighth episode of the second season of the American musical television series Glee, and the thirtieth episode overall. It was written by series creator Ryan Murphy, directed by Carol Banker, and premiered on Fox in the United States on November 23, 2010. The episode features a guest appearance by actress Carol Burnett as a Nazi hunter and mother of cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch), who shows up for the first time in years, just in time to attend Sue's wedding to herself. The long-anticipated wedding of Burt Hummel (Mike O'Malley) and Carole Hudson (Romy Rosemont) is also featured, and the bullying storyline reaches a climax that results in Kurt (Chris Colfer) transferring from McKinley High to Dalton Academy at the end of the episode.


"Furt" is the eighth episode of the second season of the American musical television series Glee, and the thirtieth episode overall. It was written by series creator Ryan Murphy, directed by Carol Banker, and premiered on Fox in the United States on November 23, 2010. The episode features a guest appearance by actress Carol Burnett as a Nazi hunter and mother of cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch), who shows up for the first time in years, just in time to attend Sue's wedding to herself. The long-anticipated wedding of Burt Hummel (Mike O'Malley) and Carole Hudson (Romy Rosemont) is also featured, and the bullying storyline reaches a climax that results in Kurt (Chris Colfer) transferring from McKinley High to Dalton Academy at the end of the episode.