In computing, the Global File System 2 or GFS2 is a shared-disk file system for Linux computer clusters. GFS2 differs from distributed file systems (such as AFS, Coda, InterMezzo, or GlusterFS) because GFS2 allows all nodes to have direct concurrent access to the same shared block storage. In addition, GFS or GFS2 can also be used as a local filesystem. GFS and GFS2 are free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


In computing, the Global File System 2 or GFS2 is a shared-disk file system for Linux computer clusters. GFS2 differs from distributed file systems (such as AFS, Coda, InterMezzo, or GlusterFS) because GFS2 allows all nodes to have direct concurrent access to the same shared block storage. In addition, GFS or GFS2 can also be used as a local filesystem. GFS and GFS2 are free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.