GVFX, initially Gajdecki Visual Effects, was a Visual effects company initially based in Toronto, founded in the spring of 1991 by John Gajdecki. A second branch of the company based in Vancouver was started in 1998. There was also a Los Angeles branch, which was closed in the summer of 2003. The Toronto office closed in September 2003, with the company being consolidated to its Vancouver branch. The company was in financial trouble at that point, with employees being owed back wages, and Gajdecki stating that "this company didn't have enough money to cover its expenses". Carrying the high capital costs of visual effects equipment proved too much, and he has since liquidated much of his corporate and personal assets to cover the outstanding bills. The Vancouver branch was restructured in 2


GVFX, initially Gajdecki Visual Effects, was a Visual effects company initially based in Toronto, founded in the spring of 1991 by John Gajdecki. A second branch of the company based in Vancouver was started in 1998. There was also a Los Angeles branch, which was closed in the summer of 2003. The Toronto office closed in September 2003, with the company being consolidated to its Vancouver branch. The company was in financial trouble at that point, with employees being owed back wages, and Gajdecki stating that "this company didn't have enough money to cover its expenses". Carrying the high capital costs of visual effects equipment proved too much, and he has since liquidated much of his corporate and personal assets to cover the outstanding bills. The Vancouver branch was restructured in 2