Garnet (Steven Universe)

Garnet is a fictional character from the animated series Steven Universe, created by Rebecca Sugar. She is a "Gem", a fictional alien being that exists as a magical gemstone projecting a holographic body. Garnet is a "fusion" formed by two Gems, Ruby and Sapphire, the two gemstones permanently sharing one holographic body. Garnet is voiced by Estelle, a performance that has seen a positive reception. Furthermore, Garnet is frequently praised for a being a depiction of a positive queer relationship.

Garnet (Steven Universe)

Garnet is a fictional character from the animated series Steven Universe, created by Rebecca Sugar. She is a "Gem", a fictional alien being that exists as a magical gemstone projecting a holographic body. Garnet is a "fusion" formed by two Gems, Ruby and Sapphire, the two gemstones permanently sharing one holographic body. Garnet is voiced by Estelle, a performance that has seen a positive reception. Furthermore, Garnet is frequently praised for a being a depiction of a positive queer relationship.