
Geneshaft (ジーンシャフト Jīn Shafuto) is a Japanese science fiction anime television series set in space, produced by Bandai Visual in 2001, and directed by Kazuki Akane (of Escaflowne fame). It was broadcast on the WOWOW network and was translated and dubbed into English by the anime television network Locomotion, who broadcast it within its respective networks in Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent and around the world.


Geneshaft (ジーンシャフト Jīn Shafuto) is a Japanese science fiction anime television series set in space, produced by Bandai Visual in 2001, and directed by Kazuki Akane (of Escaflowne fame). It was broadcast on the WOWOW network and was translated and dubbed into English by the anime television network Locomotion, who broadcast it within its respective networks in Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent and around the world.