George R. Tweedie

George R. Tweedie was a businessman who gained fame in 1891 by running a popular magic lantern show, titled "Gossip about Ghosts". The show, which cost sixpence, consisted of fifty slides, each illustrating a story about ghosts or supernatural occurrences. One concerned George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, who supposedly appeared as a ghost to a king's officer to prevent the death of his son. Another touched upon the Legend of Hamilton Tighe, a murdered man who haunted his murderers in headless form. The show was quite popular and received a positive review in the Pall Mall Gazette.

George R. Tweedie

George R. Tweedie was a businessman who gained fame in 1891 by running a popular magic lantern show, titled "Gossip about Ghosts". The show, which cost sixpence, consisted of fifty slides, each illustrating a story about ghosts or supernatural occurrences. One concerned George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, who supposedly appeared as a ghost to a king's officer to prevent the death of his son. Another touched upon the Legend of Hamilton Tighe, a murdered man who haunted his murderers in headless form. The show was quite popular and received a positive review in the Pall Mall Gazette.