
A gerah Hebrew "גרה" is an ancient Hebrew unit of weight and currency, equivalent to one-twentieth of a shekel, a shekel being 180 barleycorns or 60 carob divided by 20 = 3 carob. This is 0.568 grams. A gerah is in Aramaic a ma'ah "מעה" (Mishnah Hebrew pl. ma'ot "מעות" which means "coins"). It was originally a fifth of a Denarius/zuz, as seen in Exodus ("20 gerah is a shekel"), then became a sixth of a denar/Zuz, such as the Yehud coins which came in two denominations, approximately .58 gram as a ma'ah and approximately .29 gram as a half ma'ah (chatzi ma'ah), and (.58 X 6 = 3.48) which is about the weight of a Zuz/Denarius based on a 14 gram Shekel.


A gerah Hebrew "גרה" is an ancient Hebrew unit of weight and currency, equivalent to one-twentieth of a shekel, a shekel being 180 barleycorns or 60 carob divided by 20 = 3 carob. This is 0.568 grams. A gerah is in Aramaic a ma'ah "מעה" (Mishnah Hebrew pl. ma'ot "מעות" which means "coins"). It was originally a fifth of a Denarius/zuz, as seen in Exodus ("20 gerah is a shekel"), then became a sixth of a denar/Zuz, such as the Yehud coins which came in two denominations, approximately .58 gram as a ma'ah and approximately .29 gram as a half ma'ah (chatzi ma'ah), and (.58 X 6 = 3.48) which is about the weight of a Zuz/Denarius based on a 14 gram Shekel.