Giant pelvis

Giant Pelvis (Giant Pelves, plural) is an ancient medical term often referred to as a Justo-Major Pelvis. Early medical authors such as Thomas Lathrop Stedman of Stedman's Medical Dictionary discuss its meaning and its definition in their various medical writings as having a pelvic oblique diameter of 24 cm or greater for a gynecoid type pelvis. See: Justo major pelvis It is a rare symmetrical type enlargement of the female pelvis. Originally the 2.0 or more above average pelvis size (using the average 12 cm pelvic oblique diameter) would be required for size minimum.

Giant pelvis

Giant Pelvis (Giant Pelves, plural) is an ancient medical term often referred to as a Justo-Major Pelvis. Early medical authors such as Thomas Lathrop Stedman of Stedman's Medical Dictionary discuss its meaning and its definition in their various medical writings as having a pelvic oblique diameter of 24 cm or greater for a gynecoid type pelvis. See: Justo major pelvis It is a rare symmetrical type enlargement of the female pelvis. Originally the 2.0 or more above average pelvis size (using the average 12 cm pelvic oblique diameter) would be required for size minimum.