
Giantsteps is a visual effects studio located in Venice Beach, California. The company was founded in 2004 by Ryan Thompson and Michael Vaglienty, a visual effects producer and artist who began their careers working with the Brothers Strause of Hydraulx in 1996. The company recently produced effects work on national television commercials for major advertisers including Clorox, Cadillac and Cingular Wireless; and on feature films including Underworld: Evolution and The Covenant.


Giantsteps is a visual effects studio located in Venice Beach, California. The company was founded in 2004 by Ryan Thompson and Michael Vaglienty, a visual effects producer and artist who began their careers working with the Brothers Strause of Hydraulx in 1996. The company recently produced effects work on national television commercials for major advertisers including Clorox, Cadillac and Cingular Wireless; and on feature films including Underworld: Evolution and The Covenant.