
Giprosvyaz (Russian: Гипросвязь) is a Russian (formerly Soviet) institute for design of structures for communications. Its current legal status is open joint stock company, OJSC Giprosvyaz (Russian: ОАО Гипросвязь). The name is an abbreviation of the full name of the former Soviet institute: State Institute on Surveying and Design of Communications Structures (Государственный институт по изысканиям и проектированию сооружений связи) The majority of the shares are held by Rostelecom, Russia's largest telecommunications company.


Giprosvyaz (Russian: Гипросвязь) is a Russian (formerly Soviet) institute for design of structures for communications. Its current legal status is open joint stock company, OJSC Giprosvyaz (Russian: ОАО Гипросвязь). The name is an abbreviation of the full name of the former Soviet institute: State Institute on Surveying and Design of Communications Structures (Государственный институт по изысканиям и проектированию сооружений связи) The majority of the shares are held by Rostelecom, Russia's largest telecommunications company.