Girls on Film (novel)

“Ben, you don’t have to be anything or do anything for me. Not ballons, not roses, not phone calls. Nothing” Anna couldn’t bare to see Ben go but she knew it was right for her. She did only have her heart shattered and then stepped on all by Ben. Anna didn’t know what to do, she had to change from staring into Ben’s beautiful eyes to looking at Adams blue star tattoo. When Ben and Anna see each other on the boardwalk, Anna is with Adam, Ben is with his cousin who he pretends is his girlfriend to make Anna jealous. But Ben felt like a loser with a broken heart.

Girls on Film (novel)

“Ben, you don’t have to be anything or do anything for me. Not ballons, not roses, not phone calls. Nothing” Anna couldn’t bare to see Ben go but she knew it was right for her. She did only have her heart shattered and then stepped on all by Ben. Anna didn’t know what to do, she had to change from staring into Ben’s beautiful eyes to looking at Adams blue star tattoo. When Ben and Anna see each other on the boardwalk, Anna is with Adam, Ben is with his cousin who he pretends is his girlfriend to make Anna jealous. But Ben felt like a loser with a broken heart.