Gizab District

Gizab, sometimes spelled as Gezab, is a district in the Uruzgan province of Afghanistan. It has a population of about 75,503 and includes Pashtun, Hazara and Tajik ethnic groups. The district lies along the inexact line dividing Afghanistan's Pashtun tribes in the south from the Hazaras in the country's center—Gizab has a mix of Pashtun and Hazara villages. Gizab was transferred in 2004 from Oruzgan province to Daykundi Province, and then re-annexed to Oruzgan in 2006. The main town Gizab is at 1364 m altitude along the Helmand River.

Gizab District

Gizab, sometimes spelled as Gezab, is a district in the Uruzgan province of Afghanistan. It has a population of about 75,503 and includes Pashtun, Hazara and Tajik ethnic groups. The district lies along the inexact line dividing Afghanistan's Pashtun tribes in the south from the Hazaras in the country's center—Gizab has a mix of Pashtun and Hazara villages. Gizab was transferred in 2004 from Oruzgan province to Daykundi Province, and then re-annexed to Oruzgan in 2006. The main town Gizab is at 1364 m altitude along the Helmand River.