Glaucus (river of Asia Minor)

Glaucus (Greek: Γλαῦκος) is the name of no fewer than four rivers of Asia Minor noted by authors in antiquity. 1. * A tributary of the Phasis in Colchis, now called Tchorocsou. (Strab. xi. p. 498; Plin. vi. 4.) The Phasis is now called the Rioni, and Colchis is in the modern republic of Georgia. 2. * One of the two small rivers by the union of which the Apsorrhus or Acampsis (mod. Çoruh), in Pontus (Turkey), is formed. (Ptol. v. 6. § 7.) 3. * A tributary of the Maeander in Phrygia, not far from Eumeneia. (Plin. v. 29.) There are coins with the name of this river. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 157.) 4. * A river in Lycia, on the frontier of Caria, which empties itself into the bay of Telmissus, whence that bay is sometimes called Sinus Glaucus. (Plin. vi. 29; Quint. Smyrn. Posthom. i

Glaucus (river of Asia Minor)

Glaucus (Greek: Γλαῦκος) is the name of no fewer than four rivers of Asia Minor noted by authors in antiquity. 1. * A tributary of the Phasis in Colchis, now called Tchorocsou. (Strab. xi. p. 498; Plin. vi. 4.) The Phasis is now called the Rioni, and Colchis is in the modern republic of Georgia. 2. * One of the two small rivers by the union of which the Apsorrhus or Acampsis (mod. Çoruh), in Pontus (Turkey), is formed. (Ptol. v. 6. § 7.) 3. * A tributary of the Maeander in Phrygia, not far from Eumeneia. (Plin. v. 29.) There are coins with the name of this river. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 157.) 4. * A river in Lycia, on the frontier of Caria, which empties itself into the bay of Telmissus, whence that bay is sometimes called Sinus Glaucus. (Plin. vi. 29; Quint. Smyrn. Posthom. i