Global Strategy Group

Global Strategy Group (GSG) is an American public relations and research firm; specializing in research, strategic communications, digital strategy, grassroots and grasstops organizing, marketing and branding. GSG clients include political candidates, corporations and advocacy organizations worldwide. In the United States, the company works with Democratic Party candidates and office holders. In 2008, the firm's annual revenues were said to total about $20 million, and it had 50 employees. In addition to New York City, Global has offices in Washington, D.C. and Hartford, Connecticut.

Global Strategy Group

Global Strategy Group (GSG) is an American public relations and research firm; specializing in research, strategic communications, digital strategy, grassroots and grasstops organizing, marketing and branding. GSG clients include political candidates, corporations and advocacy organizations worldwide. In the United States, the company works with Democratic Party candidates and office holders. In 2008, the firm's annual revenues were said to total about $20 million, and it had 50 employees. In addition to New York City, Global has offices in Washington, D.C. and Hartford, Connecticut.