
Glorith of Baaldur is a fictional villainess appearing in stories published by DC Comics. Her primary foe is the 30th century team known as the Legion of Super-Heroes, and she was a major presence in Volume 4 of the Legion of Super-Heroes title -- during the "Five Years Later" era of Legion continuity. Originally a minor villain who made one appearance in the 1960s, Glorith became a central figure in DC's attempts to repair the continuity problems created when it removed the original Superboy from continuity following the Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries.


Glorith of Baaldur is a fictional villainess appearing in stories published by DC Comics. Her primary foe is the 30th century team known as the Legion of Super-Heroes, and she was a major presence in Volume 4 of the Legion of Super-Heroes title -- during the "Five Years Later" era of Legion continuity. Originally a minor villain who made one appearance in the 1960s, Glorith became a central figure in DC's attempts to repair the continuity problems created when it removed the original Superboy from continuity following the Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries.