
GoShogun (戦国魔神ゴーショーグン Sengoku Majin GōShōgun) is a super robot anime series produced and aired in 1981 in Japan, with a movie special released in 1982 and a film sequel, GoShogun: The Time Étranger or Time Stranger, in 1985. Its title has been variously translated into English as "Demon God of the War-Torn Land GoShogun", "Warring Demon God GoShogun", and "Civil War Devil-God GoShogun," but in the US and parts of Europe it is primarily known as Macron 1, the title of its North American adaptation.


GoShogun (戦国魔神ゴーショーグン Sengoku Majin GōShōgun) is a super robot anime series produced and aired in 1981 in Japan, with a movie special released in 1982 and a film sequel, GoShogun: The Time Étranger or Time Stranger, in 1985. Its title has been variously translated into English as "Demon God of the War-Torn Land GoShogun", "Warring Demon God GoShogun", and "Civil War Devil-God GoShogun," but in the US and parts of Europe it is primarily known as Macron 1, the title of its North American adaptation.