Godkiller (series)

Godkiller is a transmedia series of graphic novels, illustrated films, and novels created by award-winning filmmaker Matt Pizzolo that tells the stories of human beings caught in the crossfire of warring fallen gods. Pizzolo and Muckcracker are currently at work on the second part of the trilogy Godkiller: Tomorrow's Ashes. The October 2009 illustrated film DVD Godkiller: Walk Among Us - Episode 1 quickly established itself as its distributor's all-time fastest selling release. In January 2012, the first issue of the Godkiller 2: Tomorrow's Ashes comic book series debuted as a digital series.

Godkiller (series)

Godkiller is a transmedia series of graphic novels, illustrated films, and novels created by award-winning filmmaker Matt Pizzolo that tells the stories of human beings caught in the crossfire of warring fallen gods. Pizzolo and Muckcracker are currently at work on the second part of the trilogy Godkiller: Tomorrow's Ashes. The October 2009 illustrated film DVD Godkiller: Walk Among Us - Episode 1 quickly established itself as its distributor's all-time fastest selling release. In January 2012, the first issue of the Godkiller 2: Tomorrow's Ashes comic book series debuted as a digital series.