
The Godwheel is one of the concepts of the Malibu Comics Ultraverse. While it lent its name to a 1994/1995 four-issue series, the Godwheel is actually the place of origin of quite a few Ultraverse concepts, characters and significant items that predate that series. It has even been retconned as a place where both Rune of the Ultraverse and Adam Warlock of the main Marvel Universe lived in the distant past.


The Godwheel is one of the concepts of the Malibu Comics Ultraverse. While it lent its name to a 1994/1995 four-issue series, the Godwheel is actually the place of origin of quite a few Ultraverse concepts, characters and significant items that predate that series. It has even been retconned as a place where both Rune of the Ultraverse and Adam Warlock of the main Marvel Universe lived in the distant past.