Golden tortoise beetle

The golden tortoise beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata) is a species of beetle in the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae. It is native to the Americas. This beetle consumes foliage of bindweeds, morning glories, and sweet potato (all in the Convolvulaceae). Both adults and larvae feed on foliage. Parasitoids of this species include the eulophid wasp Tetrastichus cassidus and the tachinid fly Eucelatoriopsis dimmocki. Other predators, especially of the larvae, include ladybird beetles, damsel bugs, shield bugs, and assassin bugs. There are two subspecies, ssp. bicolor and ssp. sexpunctata.

Golden tortoise beetle

The golden tortoise beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata) is a species of beetle in the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae. It is native to the Americas. This beetle consumes foliage of bindweeds, morning glories, and sweet potato (all in the Convolvulaceae). Both adults and larvae feed on foliage. Parasitoids of this species include the eulophid wasp Tetrastichus cassidus and the tachinid fly Eucelatoriopsis dimmocki. Other predators, especially of the larvae, include ladybird beetles, damsel bugs, shield bugs, and assassin bugs. There are two subspecies, ssp. bicolor and ssp. sexpunctata.