Goldie (eagle)

Goldie was a male golden eagle who lived at London Zoo in the United Kingdom during the 1960s. He caused a nationwide sensation when he escaped for 12 days in March 1965. Goldie flew away from his keepers on 28 February 1965 while his cage was being cleaned. He avoided being recaptured for nearly two weeks, despite a massive effort using equipment borrowed from the Royal Navy and British Civil Defence. Goldie spent most of the time in Regent's Park, which surrounds the zoo, but he also made excursions into the nearby neighbourhoods of Camden Town, Tottenham Court Road and Euston.

Goldie (eagle)

Goldie was a male golden eagle who lived at London Zoo in the United Kingdom during the 1960s. He caused a nationwide sensation when he escaped for 12 days in March 1965. Goldie flew away from his keepers on 28 February 1965 while his cage was being cleaned. He avoided being recaptured for nearly two weeks, despite a massive effort using equipment borrowed from the Royal Navy and British Civil Defence. Goldie spent most of the time in Regent's Park, which surrounds the zoo, but he also made excursions into the nearby neighbourhoods of Camden Town, Tottenham Court Road and Euston.