
Gracepoint is an American crime drama television series created by Chris Chibnall. It is a remake of Chibnall's UK drama series Broadchurch, and stars that series' lead, David Tennant, along with Anna Gunn, as two detectives investigating the murder of a boy in a small, tightly knit coastal town. The series premiered on October 2, 2014, on Fox. The network promoted the show's 10-episode run as a "limited series".


Gracepoint is an American crime drama television series created by Chris Chibnall. It is a remake of Chibnall's UK drama series Broadchurch, and stars that series' lead, David Tennant, along with Anna Gunn, as two detectives investigating the murder of a boy in a small, tightly knit coastal town. The series premiered on October 2, 2014, on Fox. The network promoted the show's 10-episode run as a "limited series".