Great Ordinance

The phrase "Great Ordinance" was also an early term for artillery, more usually spelt "Great Ordnance". In French political history, a great ordinance or grand ordinance (French – Grande ordonnance) was an important royal ordinance or decree. The French Estates-General might also adopt one to, for example, grant the king the exclusive right to raise troops, and establish the taxation measure known as the taille in support of a standing army. Examples included: Colbert also took several other ordinances to be Great Ordinances :

Great Ordinance

The phrase "Great Ordinance" was also an early term for artillery, more usually spelt "Great Ordnance". In French political history, a great ordinance or grand ordinance (French – Grande ordonnance) was an important royal ordinance or decree. The French Estates-General might also adopt one to, for example, grant the king the exclusive right to raise troops, and establish the taxation measure known as the taille in support of a standing army. Examples included: Colbert also took several other ordinances to be Great Ordinances :