Green Dragon (order)

Green Dragon was a mystical Tibetan or Japanese occult Order, mentioned in the esoteric and historical fiction since the beginning of XX and the beginning of XXI centuries. Probably mainly the organization was popularized through the book The Morning of the Magicians. It is claimed that the Order allegedly collaborated with Theosophical Society and Thule Society. Influenced the well-known secular figures in Europe, traveled to the East - to Tibet and Japan. It is claimed that the alleged in the capture of Berlin in World War II, the Nazis were discovered Tibetan (or Kalmyk) appearance.

Green Dragon (order)

Green Dragon was a mystical Tibetan or Japanese occult Order, mentioned in the esoteric and historical fiction since the beginning of XX and the beginning of XXI centuries. Probably mainly the organization was popularized through the book The Morning of the Magicians. It is claimed that the Order allegedly collaborated with Theosophical Society and Thule Society. Influenced the well-known secular figures in Europe, traveled to the East - to Tibet and Japan. It is claimed that the alleged in the capture of Berlin in World War II, the Nazis were discovered Tibetan (or Kalmyk) appearance.