Green Heroine

Green Heroine is an adventure story arc of the Philippine comic strip series Pugad Baboy, created by Pol Medina Jr. This particular story arc lasts 87 strips long and was published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer from November 2011 to March 2012. In June 2012, the story arc was reprinted in the 24th compilation of the comic strip series, named PB24. For the first time in the series, Cristina "Tiny" Sungcal and her gay friend Pao Tang appear as main characters.

Green Heroine

Green Heroine is an adventure story arc of the Philippine comic strip series Pugad Baboy, created by Pol Medina Jr. This particular story arc lasts 87 strips long and was published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer from November 2011 to March 2012. In June 2012, the story arc was reprinted in the 24th compilation of the comic strip series, named PB24. For the first time in the series, Cristina "Tiny" Sungcal and her gay friend Pao Tang appear as main characters.