
Grljan is a suburb of the city of Zaječar, Serbia, near Bulgarian border line. According to the 2002 census, the town had a population of 2,839. Grljan is first time mentioned in Turkish documents from 1530. In 1784 Austrian spy Franz Pokorny in his report mention this village as christian settlement with 120 homes and turkish roadhouse with capacity for 40 horses. Famous people from Grljan was Todor Kostadinov, fighter from First Serbian Uprising and Radul-beg Gligorijevic, landowner and founder of Radul-begov konak in Zajecar. Near Grljn there is good shape fort "Parajankul", which was part of military deffence line to Bulgaria. Elementary school was founded in 1842, which make it one of the oldest schools in district. In First Serbian-Turkish war (1876) Grljan was buried to the ground.


Grljan is a suburb of the city of Zaječar, Serbia, near Bulgarian border line. According to the 2002 census, the town had a population of 2,839. Grljan is first time mentioned in Turkish documents from 1530. In 1784 Austrian spy Franz Pokorny in his report mention this village as christian settlement with 120 homes and turkish roadhouse with capacity for 40 horses. Famous people from Grljan was Todor Kostadinov, fighter from First Serbian Uprising and Radul-beg Gligorijevic, landowner and founder of Radul-begov konak in Zajecar. Near Grljn there is good shape fort "Parajankul", which was part of military deffence line to Bulgaria. Elementary school was founded in 1842, which make it one of the oldest schools in district. In First Serbian-Turkish war (1876) Grljan was buried to the ground.