Growing Up (1983 film)

Growing Up (Chinese: 小畢的故事; pinyin: Xiǎo bì de gùshì) is a 1983 film by Taiwanese filmmaker Chen Kunhou. The screenplay was the first collaboration between Hou Hsiao-hsien and Chu T'ien-wen. The film made the young star, Doze Niu, "a pop icon and tagged him with a rebellious image."

Growing Up (1983 film)

Growing Up (Chinese: 小畢的故事; pinyin: Xiǎo bì de gùshì) is a 1983 film by Taiwanese filmmaker Chen Kunhou. The screenplay was the first collaboration between Hou Hsiao-hsien and Chu T'ien-wen. The film made the young star, Doze Niu, "a pop icon and tagged him with a rebellious image."