Growth Research Unit

The Growth Research Unit (GRU) is a non-for-profit association headquartered in the international programmes office, at the Cracow University of Economics in Poland. The association operates as a multi-disciplinary platform, encouraging discussion and research into the strategic determinants of economic growth in respect of the former socialist countries of CE Europe and SE Asia. These goals are achieved through an annual conference meeting at which members contribute to round table discussion sessions and present research papers prior to release for publication.

Growth Research Unit

The Growth Research Unit (GRU) is a non-for-profit association headquartered in the international programmes office, at the Cracow University of Economics in Poland. The association operates as a multi-disciplinary platform, encouraging discussion and research into the strategic determinants of economic growth in respect of the former socialist countries of CE Europe and SE Asia. These goals are achieved through an annual conference meeting at which members contribute to round table discussion sessions and present research papers prior to release for publication.